Vision, Mission and Goals

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Vision of Soil Science Study Program:

"To become a superior Soil Science Study Program in tropical marginal land studies at the INTERNATIONAL level in 2028"

["Excellent"] means reputable in higher education in the field of tropical marginal land at the INTERNATIONAL level. This reputation is shown by the production of competitive graduates in order to support the nation's independence in the field of sustainable tropical marginal land management.

 Mission of S1 Soil Science Study Program:

Organizing education to produce competent and superior scholars in the field of tropical marginal land.
Organizing research and development in the field of tropical marginal land to support sustainable agricultural science and technology.
Carrying out community service in the field of tropical marginal land to support the achievement of sustainable agriculture
Carrying out cooperation with government and private institutions at home and abroad in the field of tropical marginal land.

Soil Science Study Program Goals:

Producing graduates who are professional in the field of tropical marginal land to realize sustainable agriculture
Producing quality research in the field of tropical marginal land to support science and technology in sustainable agriculture.
Assisting problem solving in the government, private sector, and communities/farmers, especially in the management of tropical marginal lands.
To collaborate with government and private institutions, both nationally and internationally in tropical marginal land management.


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