Friday, 24 March 2023 18:38

Achievement of graduates of the Soil Science study program (S1) in the second graduation period of Universitas Andalas

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Padang - Happy Graduation of graduates /ti students of the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources (ITSL). On March 18, 2023, Andalas University held the second graduation.  In this second graduation period, the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources graduated 29 students of the Soil Science study program (S1). It should be appreciated because at this graduation there were 8 graduates from the Soil Science study program getting the title "With Praise". In addition, graduates of the soil science study program also dominate the predicate of campus activist stars, where as many as 6 out of 15 campus activist stars are graduates from the Soil Science (S1) study program. The achievements made by graduates in the second graduation period should be a motivation for soil science students so that achievement after achievement can be achieved.


The second graduation period this year the Faculty of Agriculture, Andalas University graduated as many as 127 students, both from the Bachelor and Master program levels. Not only attended by graduates, all families and fellow students of various study programs at the Faculty of Agriculture also attended to enliven the graduation ceremony. The chairman of the graduation ceremony, Vice Dean I Dr. Ir. Agustian, congratulated the graduates who had successfully completed their studies at the Faculty of Agriculture. In his speech, the Vice Dean I of the Faculty of Agriculture Unand said that after this graduation procession there is a big responsibility faced by alumni, the Vice Dean hopes that alumni can take part in advancing regional food security, nation and state, and the world. He said "there is no strong country without being supported by an adequate food sector. Graduates should be able to take part not only on a local scale but also nationally and regionally. To achieve that, in addition to knowledge in agriculture, international language skills need to be improved. Many alumni with specialized skills and language proficiency have reputations and strategic positions in their careers."

The streaming link for the second graduation can be watched on the Faperta Unand TV Youtube channel.

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