The Soil Science and Land Resources Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Andalas University was established on July 11, 1968. At that time it was called the Institute of Soil Science and Fertilizer by decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science. The Institute of Soil Science and Fertilizer then changed its name to the Department of Soil Science. Then in the early 1980s it changed again to the Department of Soil and ended until 2021. After Andalas University changed its status to a State University with Legal Status (PTNBH) in 2021. The Rector of Andalas University reorganized the nomenclature of the management structure within Andalas University in 2022, so that the use of the Department changed its name to the Department. Based on the meeting of the lecturer board of the soil department at that time, it was agreed to use the name Department of Soil Science and Land Resources. The use of this name aims to make the dimensions of the scope of Soil Science wider, not only soil as a science but also includes spatial and its use for agriculture and for structuring / regional development. Thus it will potentially one day be able to open a new study program under the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources. Currently the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources organizes two study programs, namely: Soil Science Study Program (S1) and Master of Soil Science Study Program (S2).
The Department of Soil Science and Land Resources is growing from year to year, where in 1999 the Soil Science Study Program (S1) was accredited A, while the Master of Soil Science study program was accredited Superior by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT). In 2007, the Directorate General of Higher Education issued Decree No. 163 / DIKTI / KEP / 2007 concerning "Arrangement of Study Programs at Higher Education". Based on this decision, Soil Science S1 Study Program along with Agronomy and Horticulture Study Program, and Plant Protection Study Program were combined into Agroecotechnology Study Program, so Soil Science S1 Study Program did not accept new students since 2008. Soil Science teaching staff at that time remained active in organizing education for students of Soil Science Study Program who had not graduated, students of Agroecotechnology Study Program, and Postgraduate students (Masters and Doctoral).
In 2010, with the initiation of the lecturer staff of the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources of Unand and the support of HITI (Indonesian Soil Science Association), the Soil Science Study Program (S1) was allowed by the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia to be active again and accept new independent students in 2011. The reopening of this study program was the first in Indonesia and was later followed by other universities. Since 2012 until now, the Soil Science (S1) study program has accepted new regular and independent students.
The Department of Soil Science and Land Resources is committed to improving the quality of its education in line with the Vision of Andalas University (Unand). The Soil Science Study Program (S1) has been accredited A by BAN-PT for the period 2018-2023 (2020/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VII/2018. July 31, 2018), and the Master of Soil Science Study Program is accredited Excellent by BAN-PT for the period 2021-2026. Currently, both soil science study programs implement a curriculum based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI). Then currently developing an OBE (Outcome Based Education) based curriculum. It is expected that graduates of the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources can compete to become "Soil Science graduates who excel in the field of tropical marginal lands, both at the local, regional and international levels".
The Department of Soil Science and Land Resources carries out a quality assurance process through the Andalas University Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI-UNAND) to ensure the education and teaching process meets the National Higher Education Standards (SNPT). At the study program level, the SPMI-Unand quality assurance process is carried out by the Soil Science Study Program Quality Control Group (GKM) which is tasked with establishing, implementing, evaluating, controlling, and improving the quality standards of education and teaching of the Soil Science Study Program. The results of the GKM evaluation are used by the Department leadership to develop plans and strategies for improving the quality of the Department. The results of the GKM evaluation can also support the Unand External Quality Assurance System (SPME-UNAND) such as BAN-PT, or independent national and international certification agencies recognized by the government.
The Department of Soil Science and Land Resources has competent human resources staff who come from graduates of leading universities at home and abroad, such as America, Germany, France, Belgium, Australia, Japan, and Malaysia. All lecturers of the Soil Science Study Program are permanent lecturers with civil servant status. In 2023, the teaching staff amounted to 20 people, consisting of 14 Doctors (70%), and 6 Masters (30%). Of these there are 6 professors (30%). Improving academic and student services The Department of Soil Science and Land Resources is assisted by 7 educational staff, with details: 1 head of administration, 1 academic administration staff and reading room, 3 laboratory staff.